Over the past year, I have probably read 25 books and done 7 online courses, and have seen one counselor, one marriage counselor, and one wise pastor. Interestingly, the same counselor gave me Dan Allender’s book The Healing Path, the theme of which could be called “Don’t waste the pain.” Again, experienced counselor…kinda, sorta sees things, but not completely. Our marriage counselor recognized the evil going on but when I asked for a plan or strategy, he sadly said, “Until your husband starts talking and revealing truth to someone, there isn’t anything for you to do.” But my stubborn self wasn’t going to quit, and I thank God I found this course. It’s as if good counselors SORT OF know what is in the Environment Changer course-but they don’t know ALL of it.
I have received good help from my counselor tracking down childhood issues-but the Environment Changer way is much less complicated and direct.